

This API is used to get AI > Snaped face or object alarm real-time appeal.

Request Message



POST /API/AI/processAlarm/Get HTTP/1.1

Response Message

Parameter Description

Table 1

FaceInfoJSON arrayFaceInfo JSON show as follow Table 2
SnapedObjInfoJSON arraySnapedObjInfoJSON show as follow Table 3

Table 2

IdintFace Id, unique identification (nvr only)
GrpIdintGroup Id (nvr only)
SnapIdunsigned intThe Id of the picture when the front-end IPC captures
Type0intTypes of face capture objects
StartTimeunsigned long longSnapshot start time, such as: 2018-10-25 13:08:36, Unix timestamp (displayed according to UTC time zone uniformly)
EndTimeunsigned long longThe capture end time, such as: 2018-10-25 13:08:46, Unix timestamp (when displayed, it will be displayed uniformly in UTC time zone)
SimilarityfloatSimilarity, such as: 93.56932 (for nvr only)
ScoreintImage score (confidence) (nvr only)
SexintGender: 0-male, 1-female
GenderintFace attribute gender: 0-male, 1-female
fAttrAgeintface attribute age
GlassesTypeintGlasses type, 0: no glasses, 1: wear glasses (currently there is no distinction between sunglasses and ordinary glasses, all glasses are defaulted)
ExpressionintExpression type, 0: no expression, 1: smiling, 2: laughing
MouthMaskintWhether to wear a mask, 0: no mask, 1: with a mask
RaceintRace, 0: Yellow, 1: Caucasian, 2: Black, 3: Arab
“IP_CH1”…” IP_CH1x”
The number of channels depends on the capabilities of the device.
ModifyCntintThe number of revisions, the upper layer is read-only, and is updated in real time by the device every time the face information is modified (nvr only)
Image1"base64(imgData)"stringImported face pictures
Image2"base64(imgData)"stringCapture face pictures
Image3"base64(imgData)"stringCapture human body pictures
Image4"base64(imgData)"stringCapture background image
Feature"base64(feature)"stringEigenvalues (nvr only)
Name"Mike"stringName (for nvr only)
Country"China"stringNationality (nvr only)
Nation"Han"stringEthnic (nvr only)
NativePlace"Guangdong,Zhuhai"stringHometown (nvr only)
IdCode"415025199203050916"stringID card (nvr only)
Job"Software"stringwork (nvr only)
Phone"12345678902"stringPhone (nvr only)
Email""stringMail (for nvr only)
Domicile"Guangdong,Zhuhai,Xiangzhou ..."stringCurrent residence (nvr only)
Remark"Detail of this person ..."stringEvaluation (for nvr only)

Table 3

“IP_CH1”…” IP_CH1x”
The number of channels depends on the capabilities of the device.
StartTimeunsigned long longSnapshot start time, such as: 2018-10-25 13:08:36, Unix timestamp (displayed according to UTC time zone uniformly)
EndTimeunsigned long longThe capture end time, such as: 2018-10-25 13:08:46, Unix timestamp (when displayed, it will be displayed uniformly in UTC time zone)
ObjectImage"base64(imgData)"stringImported face pictures
Background"base64(imgData)"stringCapture face pictures
SnapIdunsigned intThe Id of the picture when the front-end IPC captures
TypeintTypes of captured objects, such as: 0-face, 1-figure, 2-vehicle, 3-PID figure, 4-PID vehicle, 5-LCD figure, 6-LCD vehicle


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
	"data": {
				"Id": 1,
				"GrpId": 1,
				"SnapId": 1250,
				"StartTime": 1540444116,
				"EndTime": 1540444126,
				"Similarity": 93.56932,
				"Score": 87,
				"Gender": 0,
				"fAttrAge": 26,
				"Chn": "CH1",
				"ModifyCnt": 0,
				"Image1": "base64(imgData)",
				"Image2": "base64(imgData)",
				"Image3": "base64(imgData)",
				"Image4": "base64(imgData)",
				"Feature": "base64(feature)",
				"Name": "Mike",
				"Country": "China",
				"Nation": "Han",
				"NativePlace": "Guangdong,Zhuhai",
				"IdCode": "415025199203050916",
				"Job": "Software",
				"Phone": "12345678902",
				"Email": "",
				"Domicile": "Guangdong,Zhuhai,Xiangzhou ...",
				"Remark": "Detail of this person ..."
				"Chn": "CH1",
				"StartTime": 1540444116,
				"EndTime": 1540444137,
				"ObjectImage": "base64(imgData)",
				"Background": "base64(imgData)",
				"SnapId": 2375,
				"Type": 1

Error Code

See Response Messages Body and Common error_code for more information.