

This API is used to get added license plates count.

Request Message

Parameter Description

Table 1

PlateInfoJSON arrayGet license plates count JSON show as follow TableTable 2When only the first element of the array, GetId, is used in the search, this field and the following GrpId field can be selected. This field has a higher priority than the GrpId field. If this field is provided, the GrpId field will be invalid.
GrpIdinteger arrayThis field is valid only when GetId

Table 2

Id1-15charactersstringLicense plate number, optional when searching
GrpIdintGroup Id, optional when searching, if the provided word is within the valid range (only -1 will be regarded as an invalid value), it will be used as an exact condition, otherwise this field will be ignored
PlateColor0-5intLicense plate color, the possible values are as follows:
enum AIPlateColor_e {
APC_Blue = 0, // blue
APC_Green = 1, // green
APC_Yellow = 2, // yellow
APC_Black = 3, // black
APC_White = 4, // white
APC_Other = 5, // other
};Optional when searching, if the provided word is within the valid range, it will be used as an exact condition, otherwise ignore this field
CarBrandstringCar brand, optional when searching
CarTypestringModel, optional when searching
SexintGender of car owner: 0-male, 1-female, optional when searching, if the provided word is within the valid range, it will be used as an exact condition, otherwise ignore this field
Owner"Mike"stringOwner's name, optional when searching
IdCode"415025199203050916"stringID number, optional when searching
Job"Software"stringOccupation, optional when searching
Phone"12345678902"stringPhone number, optional when searching
Domicile"Guangdong,Zhuhai,Xiangzhou ..."stringCurrent residence, optional when searching
Remark"Detail of this person ..."stringRemarks, optional when searching
EnableChnAlarm[255, 255, 255, 255]arraySpecial authority control, which controls which channels the face is allowed to be used for alarming. It is used by bit. The bit position indicates that the corresponding channel is allowed to alarm. If this field does not exist or is empty, it means that special authority control is not used. This field is not used when searching


POST API/AI/AddedPlates/GetCount HTTP/1.1
	"data": {
        "PlateInfo": [
                "Id": "粤C"

Response Message

Table 3

|Parameter|Range|Type|Description| | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
|Result| |int|The results are shown in the table Table 4| |Count| |int|The total number of qualified license plates in the searched database| |PlatesId| |string array|A list of license plate numbers that meet the conditions, only the result of GetId has this field| |PlateInfo| |JSON array|Only the result of GetById has this field|

Table 4

AORT_NO_DB-1No database
ORT_DB_EXEC_FAILED-2Database execution failed
AORT_CALC_FEATURE_FAILED-3Feature extraction failed
AORT_NO_DISK-5No hard drive
AORT_DISK_ERROR-6Hard disk error
AORT_NOT_EXIST-9Does not exist
AORT_MORE_FILE_EXIST-10Record already exists
AORT_SEARCH_ERROR-11Hard disk error
AORT_OVER_MAX_COUNT-12Limit exceeded
AORT_UPDATING_FEATURE-13Updating feature values
AORT_NO_USABLE_IPC-14No IPC available for eigenvalue calculation
AORT_INVALID_PARAM-15Invalid parameter
AORT_INVALID_RES-17Wrong resolution
AORT_INVALID_MEM-18File too large error
AORT_CREAT_FAILED-19Creation failed
AORT_MD5_NOT_MATCH-20MD5 mismatch
AORT_POS_ERROR-21Location error
AORT_SIZE_ERROR-22Wrong size
AORT_NOT_READY-23Not ready
AORT_INVALID_DB-24Invalid database
AORT_GRP_INVALID_OR_INTERNAL-25The group is invalid or the internal preset group is not allowed to be deleted
AORT_GRP_FACE_OVER_MAX-26The number of faces in the roster group has exceeded the limit
AORT_NO_PERMISSION-27No permission
AORT_GRP_PLATE_OVER_MAX-28The number of license plates in the license plate group has exceeded the limit


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "data": {
        "Result": 0,
        "Count": 2

Error Code

See Response Messages Body and Common error_code for more information.