

This API is used to get the parameter range of Network > snmp.

Request Message



POST /API/NetworkConfig/Snmp/Range HTTP/1.1

Response Message

Parameter Description

Table 1
snmp_enableboolfalse:disable true:enable
string0:snmp v1
1:snmp v2
2:snmp v1 v2
3:snmp v3
trap_ipaddrMax length:32bytestringManagement Server Address
read_communityMax length:16bytestringSet IPC Read Community Name
The server uses this common name and only reads snmp information on the IPC
write_communityMax length:16bytestringSet IPC Read Community Name
The server uses this common name and only reads snmp information on the IPC
authenticationobject jsonsee Table 2 for more information
base_enc_authentication_passwordobject jsonencrypted password,see base_enc_password Table information for more information
base_enc_encrypted_passwordobject jsonencrypted password,see base_enc_password Table information for more information
Table 2
readonlyobjectSet Read User,see Table 3 for more information
readwrite_userobjectSet Write User,see Table 3 for more information
Table 3
authentication_type“MD5”, “SHA”stringMD5 authentication method,SHA authentication method
encrypted_type“CBC-DES”stringFor encryption algorithm extension
usernameMax length:16bytestring
authentication_passwordMax length:16bytestring
authentication_password_emptyboolpassword empty
encrypted_passwordMax length:16bytestring
encrypted_password_emptyboolpassword empty


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "result": "success",
    "data": {
        "snmp_enable": {"type": "bool"},
        "snmp_versions": {
            "type": "string",
            "items": [
        "snmp_port": {
            "type": "int32",
            "min": 1,
            "max": 65535,
            "default_value": 161
        "read_community": {
            "type": "string",
            "min_len": 0,
            "max_len": 15
        "write_community": {
            "type": "string",
            "min_len": 0,
            "max_len": 15
        "trap_ipaddr": {
            "type": "string",
            "min_len": 7,
            "max_len": 15
        "trap_port": {
            "type": "int32",
            "min": 1,
            "max": 65535,
            "default_value": 162
        "authentication": {
            "type": "object",
            "items": {
                "readonly_user": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "items": {
                        "username": {
                            "description": "Each range {min_len,max_len} corresponds to one snmp_enable state [false,true].",
                            "type": "string",
                            "mode": "rw",
                            "ranges": [
                                    "min_len": 0,
                                    "max_len": 16
                                    "min_len": 0,
                                    "max_len": 16
                        "authentication_type": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "items": [
                        "authentication_password": {
                            "description": "Each range {min_len,max_len} corresponds to one snmp_enable state [false,true].",
                            "type": "string",
                            "mode": "rw",
                            "ranges": [
                                    "min_len": 0,
                                    "max_len": 15
                                    "min_len": 8,
                                    "max_len": 15
                        "authentication_password_empty": {"type": "bool"},
                        "encrypted_type": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "items": ["CBC-DES"]
                        "encrypted_password": {
                            "description": "Each range {min_len,max_len} corresponds to one snmp_enable state [false,true].",
                            "type": "string",
                            "mode": "rw",
                            "ranges": [
                                    "min_len": 0,
                                    "max_len": 15
                                    "min_len": 8,
                                    "max_len": 15
                        "encrypted_password_empty": {"type": "bool"}
                "readwrite_user": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "items": {
                        "username": {
                            "description": "Each range {min_len,max_len} corresponds to one snmp_enable state [false,true].",
                            "type": "string",
                            "mode": "rw",
                            "ranges": [
                                    "min_len": 0,
                                    "max_len": 16
                                    "min_len": 0,
                                    "max_len": 16
                        "authentication_type": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "items": [
                        "authentication_password": {
                            "description": "Each range {min_len,max_len} corresponds to one snmp_enable state [false,true].",
                            "type": "string",
                            "mode": "rw",
                            "ranges": [
                                    "min_len": 0,
                                    "max_len": 15
                                    "min_len": 8,
                                    "max_len": 15
                        "authentication_password_empty": {"type": "bool"},
                        "encrypted_type": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "items": ["CBC-DES"]
                        "encrypted_password": {
                            "description": "Each range {min_len,max_len} corresponds to one snmp_enable state [false,true].",
                            "type": "string",
                            "mode": "rw",
                            "ranges": [
                                    "min_len": 0,
                                    "max_len": 15
                                    "min_len": 8,
                                    "max_len": 15
                        "encrypted_password_empty": {"type": "bool"}

Error Code

See Response Messages Body and Common error_code for more information.