

This API is used to component version check upgrade(NVR upgrade ipc component version date check).

Request Message

Parameter Description

Table 1
file_sizeintComponent version detection file size.
file_dataint arrayComponent version detection file data.
url_keyobjectThe public key used to encrypt the url, see Table 2 for details.
Table 2
seq0-1000000intReturns the number of API encryption times using Request pubkey or randbyte.
peer_keylen:0-1024stringThe X25519 key encrypted by the client is converted using base64.
type"base_x_public"stringkey type.


POST /API/Maintenance/SystemUpgrade/ComponentVersionCheck HTTP/1.1
            "seq": 2,
            "peer_key": "0rD95mGwiZznl34bejOzwEOK+PZZZnOeLoKzw794TmSM=",
            "type": "base_x_public"

Response Message

Parameter Description

Table 3
new_version_componentobject arrayThe complete encrypted url information of the component file that needs to be upgraded, see Table 4 to get the detailed information of the member structure in the array.
Table 4
cipher0-1024stringciphertext derived from Request pubkey or randbyte API X25519 encryption, use base64 for character conversion.
key0-1024stringThe random number is a hexadecimal string and needs to be converted. The public key is in plain text. It is transmitted by Base64.
seq0-1000000intUse the seq returned by /API/*/TransKey/Get API .


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "result": "success",
    "data": {
                "seq": 0,
                "peer_key" : "060kL4pXa9Br5Mt+/zsii4GllHfeXc/yR0jmP2Zfykzc=",
                "cipher" : "0bjEvTI4Lr8jsytAHx8bSXPNk7cuvIFYGCQjIUH2S/sVPnNQO"

Error Code

See Response Messages Body and Common error_code for more information.