Subscribe to api Design


After setting the parameters of the current IPC through the WEB, the backend NVR/APP still displays unmodified parameters. In order to achieve real-time updates of backend parameters, subscription APIs are adopted. Subscription API, the backend will inform the frontend of the API used for pages that require real-time parameter updates. If the frontend sets a parameter that matches the subscription content page, it will inform the backend to obtain the parameter for that page.

2.Subscription Content (Scalable)

Table 1
ModuleAPI InterfaceInterface DescriptionRemarks
recordStreamConfig/MainStream/Range(Get)Main stream page parameter acquisition
recordStreamConfig/SubStream/Range(Get)sub stream page parameter acquisition
recordStreamConfig/MobileStream/Range(Get)Mobiles stream page parameter acquisition
recordStreamConfig/EventStream/Range(Get)Event stream page parameter acquisition
recordDeviceConfig/Audio/Range(Get)Audio page parameter acquisition


{width="5.768055555555556in" height="5.174305555555556in"}

When IPC goes online to NVR, NVR calls Login/DeviceInfo/Get, and IPC responds with all subscription APIs currently supported by IPC. The NVR calls Login/SubscribeApi/Set, and its request body is accompanied by the required subscription API or all subscription strings. If the IPC responds OK, it indicates successful subscription. If IPC parameter settings occur, subscribed APIs will be pushed to the backend from/API/Event/Check, and the backend will request the API to obtain parameter data.

4.Protocol formulation

1. Login/DeviceInfo/Get

Response message

Table 2
string arrayCurrently supported API for subscription
string arrayControl the ability set displayed on the upper right side of the preview
string arraySupported encoding types
concentrate_linkage_schedule_ability"FloodLight"string arrayCentralized linkage scheduling capability
ptz_abilityJson ObjectParameters can be found in Table 3
support_ai_pidlcdJson ObjectDoes it support the perimeter and trip lines of AI
support_face_configboolFace search in the playback interface Playback - AI - Face Detection
support_repeat_visitorboolDoes it support the function of returning customers
support_face_attendanceboolWhether to support the face attendance function
support_human_vehicle_searchboolWhether the pedestrian and vehicle search function is supported
support_PidLcd_searchboolWhether the Pid Lcd search function is supported
support_heat_mapboolWhether the heat map function is supported
support_license_plateboolWhether the license plate recognition function is supported
support_lpd_enhanceboolWhether the enhanced license plate detection function is supported
support_Intrusion_searchboolWhether the intrusion detection function is supported
support_RegionEntrance_searchboolWhether to support the area entry search function
support_RegionExiting_searchboolWhether the enhanced license plate detection function is supported
string arrayAfter the new version, this field value is used for sidebar push chart, playback intelligent search, database statistics interface type display judgment
support_occlusion_detectionboolWhether the occlusion detection function is supported
device_preview_ability"face" "manual_alarm"string arrayControl the capability set displayed on the preview side
dev_play_backcapint0: old playback mode, 1: fast forward fast rewind only I-frame mode, 2: fast forward fast rewind I-frame mode
dev_typeunsigned long longDevice type
device_typemaxlength:32bytestringEquipment model
soundboolPreview whether the page displays the horn switch
live_sound_disableJson ObjectWhether to make preview sound parameters see Table 4
check_ftp_upgradeboolCheck whether the FTP upgrade is required
support_screen_shotsboolWhether to support screenshots
channel_numintNumber of channels
stream_profileJson ObjectSupport for several stream switching parameters see Table 5
stringIE Default stream type
support_ftp_upgradeboolWhether to support ftp upgrade
support_http_upgradeboolWhether to support http upgrade
support_get_upgradeUrlpwboolWhether to obtain the ftp upgrade URL password
backup_video_encryption_pwd6-32boolBackup video encryption
support_backup_video_encryptionboolWhether video backup is supported
push_type"TutkPush" "VVPush"
stringPush type
string array
local_alarmin_numintBoard end alarm input
local_alarmout_numintBoard end alarm output
support_ie_down_snapboolWhether to support Internet Explorer download board capture
preview_numintNumber of previewing channels for the main stream
mac_addrstringmac address
p2p_idboolP2P ID
manufacturermaxlength:35bytestringDevice type
support_smartboolSupport intelligence
support_smart_recordboolWhether intelligent video recording is supported
support_substream_playbackboolWhether substream playback is supported
support_pir_recordboolWhether to support pir recording
support_flood_lightboolWhether white light is supported
support_record_tagboolWhether video labels are supported
support_aacboolWhether AAC audio format is supported
support_hls_serverboolWhether single-channel HLS streams are supported
support_voice_promptsboolWhether voice prompt is supported
support_speakerboolWhether to support intercom
talkback“TalkHalf”,“TalkFull”stringIntercom working mode
support_audio_volumeboolWhether to support volume adjustment
support_sound_recordboolsound alarm Display flag bits: 0 hidden and 1 displayed
support_manual_recordboolWhether to support manual video search
support_video_cover_recordboolWhether to display the video occlusion alarm video
support_more_chn_playbackboolWhether multiple playback is supported on the Internet Explorer playback page
support_ai_notification_subscribeboolWhether to support ai notification subscription
ishide_notification_intervalnew_8.2.4boolWhether to hide the push interval switch
support_playback_new_rec_detailboolSupport NewRecordDetailRsp (New_GetRecFileList) search
support_playback_new_rec_file_downloadboolSupport NewRecordDetailRsp (New_GetRecFileList) video download, lock query and lock settings for video files
support_io_recordboolWhether to support the total number of IO alarms on the front and rear end to determine whether the program with IO alarms
enable_encryptionboolPrivate protocol encryption
media_portintMedia port
media_external_portintMedia external interface
upgrade_file_max_size0-512intMaximum size of the upgrade file on the board, in MB
upgrade_head_trans_size0-3intThe value is the length of the update header information on the board. The unit is k
support_eventchk_snapboolWhether to support event capture
stream_linkage"normal""none""custom2"stringCode parameter Indicates the rate linkage rule. If none is passed, bitrate_default is not required. custom2-- URMET Customer
FR_model_version0- 2147483647int
FD_model_version0- 2147483647int
support_param_import_exportboolWhether parameter import is supported
support_sound_detectionboolWhether sound detection is supported
support_record_type_exboolReplay the video and add
support_disarming_onlysetboolWhether the disarming function is supported, but it can only be set to IPC by a third party and cannot be gotten
certificate_remain_time0-16intCertificate retention time
is_need_ftpurlboolDetermine whether the NVR requires a url with a plaintext password
support_camera_day_night_paramboolThe NVR supports two sets of IPC day and night parameters
support_box485bool485 The nvr does not support the analog mode
support_shortlive_acctokenboolWhether short tokens are supported
Table 3
stringPtz version
string array
Table 4
Table 5

Request message


POST /API/AlarmConfig/Combination/Get HTTP/1.1
    "version": "1.0",
    "data": {}

Response message


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"data": {
        "device_main_menu": [
        "encode_type_ability": [
        "concentrate_linkage_schedule_ability": ["FloodLight"],
        "ptz_ability": {"btn_autofocus": true},
        "support_subscribe_api": [
        "support_ai_pidlcd": true,
        "support_face_config": true,
        "support_repeat_visitor": true,
        "support_face_attendance": true,
        "support_human_vehicle_search": true,
        "support_PidLcd_search": true,
        "support_heat_map": true,
        "support_license_plate": true,
        "support_lpd_enhance": true,
        "support_Intrusion_search": true,
        "support_RegionEntrance_search": true,
        "support_RegionExiting_search": true,
        "device_preview_AI_item": [
        "support_occlusion_detection": true,
        "device_preview_ability": [
        "dev_play_backcap": 2,
        "dev_type": 5932089557994242000,
        "device_type": "30KQ+200AI 60FPS 何伟",
        "sound": true,
        "live_sound_disable": {
            "Mainstream": false,
            "Substream": false,
            "Mobilestream": false
        "check_ftp_upgrade": false,
        "support_screen_shots": true,
        "channel_num": 1,
        "stream_profile": {
            "type": "string",
            "items": [
        "default_stream": "Mainstream",
        "support_ftp_upgrade": true,
        "support_http_upgrade": true,
        "support_get_upgradeUrlpw": true,
        "backup_video_encryption_pwd": {
            "type": "string",
            "min_len": 6,
            "max_len": 32
        "support_backup_video_encryption": true,
        "push_type": "RSPush",
        "pushinfo_type": {
            "type": "string",
            "items": []
        "local_alarmin_num": 1,
        "local_alarmout_num": 1,
        "support_ie_down_snap": true,
        "preview_num": 0,
        "mac_addr": "A4-FC-CE-00-14-BE",
        "p2p_id": "DBC4S1NLRUXNHKWL111A",
        "manufacturer": "",
        "support_smart": true,
        "support_smart_record": true,
        "support_substream_playback": false,
        "support_pir_record": false,
        "support_flood_light": true,
        "support_record_tag": true,
        "support_aac": false,
        "support_hls_server": false,
        "support_voice_prompts": true,
        "support_speaker": true,
        "talkback": "TalkFull",
        "support_audio_volume": true,
        "support_sound_record": false,
        "support_manual_record": false,
        "support_video_cover_record": false,
        "support_more_chn_playback": false,
        "support_ai_notification_subscribe": true,
        "ishide_notification_intervalnew_8.2.4": false,
        "support_playback_new_rec_detail": true,
        "support_playback_new_rec_file_download": true,
        "support_io_record": true,
        "support_ANR": true,
        "enable_encryption": true,
        "media_port": 443,
        "media_external_port": 443,
        "upgrade_file_max_size": 128,
        "upgrade_head_trans_size": 3,
        "support_eventchk_snap": true,
        "local_ip": "",
        "stream_linkage": "normal",
        "FR_model_version": 8388612,
        "FD_model_version": 8456194,
        "support_param_import_export": true,
        "support_sound_detection": true,
        "support_ROI": true,
        "support_record_type_ex": true,
        "support_disarming_onlyset": true,
        "support_recorder_smd": false,
        "support_logcollection": true

2. Login/SubscribeApi/Set

This interface is used to subscribe to the API

Request message

Table 2
subscribe_apistring arrayRequest an API to subscribe to or subscribe to all supported apis, such as:"StreamConfig/MainStream/Range"


POST /API/Login/SubscribeApi/Set HTTP/1.1
	"version": "1.0",
	"data" : {
" subscribe_api ":[

Response message


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "result": "success",
    "data": {}

3. /API/Event/Check

For details seeEvent > Event_check.