HOEM_IPCam_SDK 2.3.20 (2010/11/16) Important:Please update HIPCam_SDK.dll and HIPCam_SDK.lib Add:HOEM_Cam_SetPTZ_UpStart¡BHOEM_Cam_SetPTZ_DownStart¡BHOEM_Cam_SetPTZ_LeftStart¡BHOEM_Cam_SetPTZ_RightStart¡BHOEM_Cam_SetPTZ_Stop HOEM_IPCam_SDK 2.3.18 (2010/9/21) HOEM_IPCam_SDK 2.3.16 (2010/9/17) HOEM_IPCam_SDK 2.3.14 (2010/9/17) Modified:Modify AVISave.cpp in Demo code, according to the Video compression format to save avi. HOEM_IPCam_SDK 2.3.12 (2010/8/30) Modified:HOEM_Cam_SetPTZ_Remove((HANDLE hCam, char * pStr, int iStrLength)does not work¡C HOEM_IPCam_SDK 2.3.10 (2010/8/18) HOEM_IPCam_SDK 2.3.8 (2010/8/13) Modified:Do not show unconnect message immediately when connecting with IPCam, wait for confirm connection status then showing message. Add:HOEM_Cam_GetH264Frame(Hframe *pFrame), get standard H264 format frame¡C Notes:Please update HIPCam_SDK.dll, HIPCam_SDK.lib and HOEM_IPCam_SDK.h. HOEM_IPCam_SDK 2.3.6 (2010/7/28) Important: Please update HIPCam_SDK.dll and HIPCam_SDK.lib Modified: HOEM_Cam_AudioIn_Init, HOEM_Cam_SendAudioIn and HOEM_Cam_AudioIn_Deinit cause error when user changes IPCam for doing two way audio. HOEM_IPCam_SDK 2.3.4 (2010/6/25) Important: Please update HIPCam_SDK.dll and HIPCam_SDK.lib Modified: Let HOEM_Cam_Set2WayAudio(HANDLE hCam, bool bEnable) can support multiple IP Cam. HOEM_IPCam_SDK 2.3.2 (2010/4/28) Important: Please update HIPCam_SDK.dll and IPCamLib.dll HOEM_IPCam_SDK 2.3.0 (2009/12/24) HOEM_IPCam_SDK 2.2.8 (2009/12/08) HOEM_IPCam_SDK 2.2.6 (2009/11/26) Note: Please update HIPCam_SDK.dll, HIPCam_SDK.lib, HIPCAM_DEFINE.H and HOEM_IPCam_SDK.h. Add: 1. struct PTZOSCInfo { int iWidth; int iHeight; int iX; int iY; }; PTZ Mouse Window Control 2.Setup PTZ Mouse Window Control HOEM_Cam_SetPTZ_Move(HANDLE hCam, PTZOSCInfo Info) HOEM_IPCam_SDK 2.2.4 (2009/11/11) HOEM_IPCam_SDK 2.2.2 (2009/10/22) HOEM_IPCam_SDK 2.2.0 (2009/09/02) Note: Combine DLL version and ActiveX version together and release it. HOEM_IPCam_SDK 1.10.0 (2009/06/17) Important: Please update HIPCam_SDK.dll and IPCamLib.dll HOEM_IPCam_SDK 1.9.10 (2009/05/18) Important: Please update HIPCam_SDK.dll. Modified : HOEM_Cam_Create cause error when hCam is not NULL. HOEM_IPCam_SDK 1.9.8 (2009/05/12) Important: Please update all *.dll files. Add: Support H264 video format and Mulaw audio format. HOEM_IPCam_SDK 1.9.6 (2009/04/23) Important: Please update HIPCam_SDK.dll¡BIPCamLib.dll and recompile. Modified : Execute CGI error when no password. HOEM_IPCam_SDK 1.9.4 (2009/04/15) HOEM_IPCam_SDK 1.9.2 (2009/03/05) Important: Please update HIPCam_SDK.dll Modified: Open Audio CODEC HOEM_IPCam_SDK 1.9.0 (2009/01/05) Important: Please update files. HOEM_IPCam_SDK 1.8.6 (2008/12/23) Important: Please update files. HOEM_IPCam_SDK 1.8.4 (2008/08/29) Important: Please update HIPCam_SDK.dll¡BIPCamLib.dll and recompile. HOEM_IPCam_SDK 1.8.2 (2008/07/21) HOEM_IPCam_SDK 1.8.0 (2008/06/03) Important: Please update IPCamLib.dll. HOEM_IPCam_SDK 1.7.4 (2008/02/12) Important: Please update IPCamLib.dll. Modified: The sound continue transmit when video loss. HOEM_IPCam_SDK 1.7.2 (2008/01/14) HOEM_IPCam_SDK 1.7.0 (2007/11/29) HOEM_IPCam_SDK 1.6.4 (2007/10/23) Important: Please update IPCamLib.dll and IPCamconfig.txt. Modified: IPCamconfig.txt default value : Ping_Enable=n Ping_Timeout=6000 Get_Timeout=7000 Set_Timeout=7000 UsePCTime=y ConnectLimit=6 HOEM_IPCam_SDK 1.6.2 (2007/10/9) Important: Please update HIPCam_SDK.dll¡BIPCamLib.dll and recompile. Modified: The maximal connection is up to 1024. HOEM_IPCam_SDK 1.6.0 (2007/8/14) Important: Please update HIPCam_SDK.dll¡BHIPCam_SDK.lib¡BHOEM_IPCam_SDK.h and IPCam.dll, then recompile. Add: 1.HFRAMETYPE_DLL add HIPCam_EVENT¡Awhich only receive 3 types of frames (6 : MOTION¡B7 : SYSTEM¡B9 : ALARM ) Should use fireware v3.2.12 or above. 2.HOEM_Cam_SetAutoReconnect(HANDLE hCam, bool bEnabled) User can set auto re-connection to ON/OFF(default is ON). Please setup before invoking HOEM_Cam_Connect. HOEM_IPCam_SDK 1.5.0 (2007/7/5) Important : 1.SDK HOEM_Cam_AudioIn_Init(HANDLE hCam, WAVEFORMATEX *pwfSrc) only can receive WAVEFORMATEX format. Please refer to following example. WAVEFORMATEX awSrc; memset(&awSrc, 0, sizeof(awSrc)); awSrc.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; awSrc.nChannels = 2; awSrc.wBitsPerSample = 16; awSrc.nSamplesPerSec = 16000; awSrc.nBlockAlign = awSrc.wBitsPerSample * awSrc.nChannels / 8; awSrc.nAvgBytesPerSec = awSrc.nSamplesPerSec * awSrc.nBlockAlign; awSrc.cbSize = 0; 2.When use HOEM_Cam_SendAudioIn(HANDLE hCam, char *pAudioData, int iDataLen), Please set lpData size to [2041*4]. 3.Send audio wave function should use firmware version above v2.2.12. HOEM_IPCam_SDK 1.4.6 (2007/7/2) Important: Please update HIPCam_SDK.dll¡BHIPCam_SDK.lib¡BHOEM_IPCam_SDK.h and IPCam.dll then recompile. Modified: 1.IPCamLib is modifyed to detect connection status after IPCamAction function. GetCameraTypeChannel do not need any user name or password to detect (only IP address is needed). Suggested to call GetCameraTypeChannel after gaining connection. Add: 1.HOEM_Cam_AudioIn_Init(HANDLE hCam, WAVEFORMATEX *pwfSrc) (Initialize the AudioIn function) 2.HOEM_Cam_SendAudioIn(HANDLE hCam, char *pAudioData, int iLenData) (Start the audio transfer) 3.HOEM_Cam_AudioIn_Deinit(HANDLE hCam) (End the AudioIn function)